Software and Demo

Google exploreCSR Grant - Empowering Female Students in Ethiopian Computing

Google Award for Inclusive AI Research - AI-driven Monitoring of Attitude Polarization in Conflict-Affected Countries for Inclusive Peace Process and Women's Empowerment.

AI-Enhanced Research Project Management Discovery and Advisory System

SAINT - Sentiment Analysis INTerpretabilit

AfriHate - A Lacuna fund project in collaboration with ICT4D (BDU-Ethiopia and HausaNLP-Nigeria)
- TelegramAnno: Telegram Annotation Admin Dashboard
- SemanticModels: Semantic Models for Ethiopic
- GermaNER: German named entity recognition
- WebAnno: Web-based, distributive, and generic annotation tool
- Par4Sem: Semantic Writing aid
- New/s/leak : NetWork of Searchable Leaks
- Network of the Day : nteractive visualization of time-dependent relationships of public agents
- ARDIAS: AI-Enhanced Research Project Management Discovery and Advisory System
- WebAnno: Web-based, distributive, and generic annotation tool
- Network of the day: Interactive visualization of time-dependent relationships of public agents
- new/s/leak: NetWork of Searchable Leaks login with: user/password
- Par4Sem: Semantic Writing aid - Paraphrasing texts